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If you are interested in joining these industry leaders as a GAI Sponsor,
please contact Jared Rose or Kate Westfall.
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Kuni Umi Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Kuni Umi Asset Management (KUAM), under the principles of ESG and SDGs, operates 4 lines of business. In the Infrastructure Group, KUAM develops, operates, and manages social infrastructure assets, such as renewable energy plants, power transmission networks, and telecommunication network. In the Regional Development Group, KUAM consults and generally supports all activities which promote long-term sustainable growth of a region, including (but not limited to) food, habitation, logistics, medicine, nursing care, tourism, athletics, and nature. Our Cross-border Group facilitates global exchange of ideas and investments, particularly between, Japan, India, China, and the US. The Finance Group structures, securitizes, and distributes renewable energy assets (both domestic and overseas) and overseas financial instruments, and also provides M&A and general advisory services.
Asset Japan Co., Ltd.
“To A Brighter Tomorrow”
Asset Japan Inc. forms "Asset Group" to solve problems such as human resources, money and time problems for individuals and corporate and to meet more specialized needs.
Set HR as main domain, provide consulting on several fields and educational project on financial issue. For individual customers, energy solution like solar power as disaster measure.
We suggest all stakeholder unique solution for customers brighter tomorrow as a life partner.
AMERRA Capital Management, LLC
AMERRA Capital Management is a private, alternative asset management firm providing strategic equity and debt capital to upstream and midstream agri-business and aquaculture operating companies in the Americas and Western Europe.
Hancock Natural Resource Group
Hancock Natural Resource Group (HNRG) is a registered investment adviser and wholly owned subsidiary of Manulife Financial Corporation. HNRG is a part of Manulife Investment Management’s private markets platform. HNRG is one of the world’s largest natural resource managers for institutional investors, conducting business through two divisions, Hancock Timber Resource Group (HTRG) and Hancock Agricultural Investment Group (HAIG). They manage a diverse global portfolio of farms and forests located in Australia, Canada, Chile, New Zealand, and the United States. HNRG’s investments are integrated with comprehensive property management operations in each of these countries through subsidiaries, affiliate companies, or investor owned entities. These include agricultural entities, Hancock Farmland Services (HFS) and Farmland Management Services (FMS), along with additional timberland and global agricultural focused entities. As of March 31, 2019, total HNRG assets under management are USD 13.8 billion.
Proterra Investment Partners
Proterra Investment Partners is an alternative investment manager focused on private equity investments in the natural resources sectors of agriculture, food, and metals & mining. Proterra manages $3.1 billion in AUM in its three investment strategies. Our fund’s investments reflect fundamental perspectives on the macro- and micro-economic trends driving the markets where we invest. Through an emphasis on strong local relationships and expertise, Proterra seeks to provide unique opportunities for our investors. Proterra launched as a standalone investment advisor for the Black River Asset Management private equity funds on January 1, 2016. The Funds spun out from Black River Asset Management, a wholly-owned, independently managed subsidiary of Cargill.
プロテラ・インベストメント・パートナーズ (Proterra Investment Partners) は、農業、食品、金属、鉱業など、自然資源分野のプライベート・エクイティ投資に注力する、オルタナティブ投資マネージャーです。3つの投資戦略に基づいて、31億米ドルの資産を運用しています。投資先の市況を左右するマクロ的、およびミクロ的景気動向に対する、基本的展望を反映した投資を行います。プロテラは、強力な地元との繋がりと専門的技術の強調を通じて、投資者に類稀な機会を提供するように努めます。プロテラは2016年1月1日、ブラック・リバー・アセット・マネジメント (Black River Asset Management) プライベート・エクイティ・ファンドの独立投資アドバイザーとして設立されました。ファンドは、カーギル (Cargill) の独自管理完全子会社である、ブラック・リバー・アセット・マネジメントから分離独立しました。
Laguna Bay
Laguna Bay is an experienced agricultural fund manager with around AUD700m under management in a range of agricultural sectors and operating strategies.With a demonstrated ability to successfully originate, execute and manage large scale, investment-grade agricultural assets.
Laguna Bay's new diversified fund is seeded with over AUD300m of committed institutional capital and a significant amount of this fund has already been deployed and is operational.
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Freshfields is a leader among international law firms, providing business law advice of the highest quality throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. With more than 2,800 lawyers in 27 offices around the world, the firm provides a comprehensive service to national and multinational corporations, financial institutions and governments. Over the last five years, we have advised on over $1tn of cross-border deals – more than any other firm in the world.
In the United States, Freshfields provides integrated and proactive legal counsel to clients seeking local or international advice. The firm’s US practice is a key part of its international footprint; it has almost 200 lawyers based in the United States and more than 350 US-qualified lawyers working in its offices around the world. Cross borders with confidence. Cross borders with Freshfields.
Japan Strategic Capital Co., Ltd.
Japan Strategic Capital Co., Ltd is a spin off from Japan Asia Investment Co., Ltd. It is a seed investor in high-tech ventures from Japanese universities and research institutes and manages investment funds for agricultural businesses. Since 2013, we have invested in 30 companies from the agricultural fund. Because the management of the company has over 25 years of investing in Asian region for over M$400, the company is aiming for launching a fund investing in agribusiness in Asia.
Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Company Name: MITSUI & CO., LTD.
Date of Establishment: Jul. 25, 1947
Representative: Tatsuo Yasunaga, President and Chief Executive Officer
Common Stock: ¥341,481,648,946 (As of Mar. 31, 2017)
Number of Employees: 5,971 (Consolidated 42,316) (As of Mar. 31, 2017)
Number of Offices and Overseas Trading Affiliates: 139 offices in 66countries / regions
Major Business Areas:
Utilizing our global operating locations, network and information resources, we are multilaterally pursuing business that ranges from product sales, worldwide logistics and financing, through to the development of major international infrastructure and other projects in the following fields: Iron & Steel Products, Mineral & Metal Resources, Infrastructure Projects, Integrated Transportation Systems, Chemicals, Energy, Food, Food & Retail Management, Healthcare & Service, Consumer Business, IT & Communication Business, Corporate Development Business.
商号: 三井物産株式会社
代表者: 代表取締役社長 安永 竜夫
資本金: 341,481,648,946円 (2017年3月31日現在)
従業員数: 5,971名 (連結従業員数42,316名) (2017年3月31日現在)
事業所数: 139拠点 / 66ヶ国·地域
Nihon Unisys, Ltd.
Established in 1958, Nihon Unisys, Ltd. has continually contributed to the development of IT in Japan by providing effective and timely solutions to meet our clients’ needs. Leveraging our rich experience, we provide integrated services that begin with the analysis of management issues and culminate in their solution, for clients in industries ranging from financial services, manufacturing and distribution, energy to public sector. We strive to create new value by quickly responding to the ever-changing environment, understanding the challenges facing our society, and forming business ecosystems with our clients and partners.
1958年の設立以来、日本ユニシス株式会社は顧客ニーズにあった先駆的な技術力で日本のITを支え続けてきました。ICTで培った経験と実績をバックボーンに、金融、製造流通、エネルギー、公共など幅広い分野において、経営課題の分析から解決にいたるまでの一貫したサービスを提供しています。時代の変化に呼応し、社会課題と向き合い、顧客やパートナーと共にビジネスエコシステムを形成し、未来を先回りした新たな価値創造に取り組んでまいります。 本社:東京都江東区 代表:平岡昭良
Toyo Bunko
Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library) is a library and research institute dedicated to the study of Asian history and culture. It is the largest Asian Studies Center in the region and one of the five largest in the world.
東洋文庫は、広くアジア全域の歴史と文化に関する東洋学の専門図書館ならびに研究所です。 約90年に及ぶ歴史を有するアジア最大の東洋学センターであり、国際的にも世界5指の1つに数えられています。
Paine Schwartz Partners
A global leader in sustainable food chain investing, Paine Schwartz Partners is a private equity firm that focuses on investment opportunities in the fast-growing, dynamic global food and agribusiness sectors. The firm’s investment, operations and finance professionals invest throughout cycles across the food and agribusiness value chain and bring a collaborative and active management approach to portfolio companies. The firm currently invests through its $893 million Paine Schwartz Food Chain Fund IV, which is solely dedicated to food and agribusiness investing.
Clarion Capital Partners
Clarion Capital Partners is a top decile performing lower middle market private equity firm based in New York City focused on making investments in companies with $7-25mm of EBITDA in the following sectors: business services, healthcare services, media, entertainment & technology, consumer food products & e-commerce, and specialty financial services. We invest in companies principally located in the United States, but we also invest globally. Some of the companies we have invested in include Premiere Digital, Moravia, Squad, HROI, Madison Logic, Lenox, AML Rightsource and many others. We do buyouts as well as growth equity deals and work very well with management teams.
Clarion’s credit side of the business focuses mainly on CLO equity and CLO mezzanine, sourced both in the primary and secondary markets. Clarion Structured Credit also invests in warehouse equity. Clarion Structured Credit maintains significant relationships with CLO collateral managers, underwriters and trading desks to source CLO investment opportunities.
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Event Partners
If you are interested in joining Global AgInvesting as an event partner,
please contact Kate Westfall to discuss the possibilities.
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Preqin is the home of alternative assets, providing indispensable data, solutions and insights to support alternative asset professionals at every stage of the investment cycle. Since 2003, we have been the most trusted source of information on alternative assets, spanning private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, real estate, infrastructure, private debt, natural resources and secondaries. Our products and services are relied upon by more than 60,000 industry participants in over 90 countries, for a range of activities including fundraising, investor relations, asset allocation, fund manager selection and business development. Preqin is an independent business with over 400 staff based in New York, London, Singapore, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Manila.